Final Smorgasburg: Reflecting on a Term

As the fancy title states, this post is the amalgam of everything I've worked on this term, from musical doodles to pixel art to whatever. Generally there was a theme of a peaceful apocalypse at play here, or maybe more of a blase one. At any rate these sounds and images aim to create a world that seems to clash with itself, as the notion of something peacefully apocalyptic is kind of an oxymoron. Anyway, without further ado:

30 Minutes: A Postmortem

Game that existed in the minds of three different people with equally different ideas, we hardly knew ye. Initially the dream team of my two friends and I, the trajectory of the project and general positive feelings took a nosedive. One member leaving was the final nail in the coffin. There were, however, some existing bits and pieces created for the game.

Luckily we were too lazy to really start anything.
Anyway, after that, I turned to pixel art as the main focus. I envisioned around three or four different pixel art settings, only to realize how long just ONE took. Here is the final result.

I actually really like how this one turned out though. Initially the chat was gonna scroll past, as an actual messaging platform does, but that would require reorienting the specific text breaks in accordance with the weird My friend didn't like the blinking. Meh

Low Poly Figures: Because Why Not

So I looked at Asesprite after completing the pixel project above, and I was filled with the same fear and hesitation as when I first started out. Did I push through it, only to realize fleshing out a concept gets easier once you break it apart into workable shapes, rather than petrified of the blank canvas? Nooooooope. I decided to try my hand at making low poly figures. I think it turned out ok!

They're on instagram so the loop thing looks cool. I'll show you the process in Blender tho

...and the music


And that's about a wrap. This term was both wildly productive and horribly demotivating. I really do hope to make this game someday, and maybe I'll get a head-start on it this summer, but my already ambivalence in using "maybe" seems like a bad setup. I'm going to start this game over the summer and build it up little by little. Sadly, there's no advanced new media in the Fall :[

Quick note about this class, it was fun and these people are insanely talented and creative
i felt for the most part we were all on a similar wavelength and yeah very chill very fun

i need sleep


  1. These are honestly amazing with so much detail! How much time did the one with the computer take its my favorite.


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